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Mr Matthew Hughes MLA

BEd (Hons); Cert. Ed; JP; FACEL

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook

HUGHES, Matthew, MLA
Member for Kalamunda
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Fortieth Parliament for Kalamunda on 11 March 2017, in succession to John Howard Dadley Day (defeated).
Re-elected 2021.

Standing Committees

Member, Joint Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission from 15 June 2017 to 29 January 2021.
Member, Joint Standing Committee on the Corruption and Crime Commission from 26 May 2021 to 29 January 2025, (Chair from 2 June 2021).



Born 9 February 1950, Audenshaw, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.
Arrived in Western Australia April 1979.

Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament

BEd (Hons). FACEL. Cert. Ed.
Teacher. School Principal.


The electorate of Kalamunda is located in the East Metropolitan Region and includes all or parts of the City of Gosnells, City of Kalamunda and the Shire of Mundaring.

Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Bickley, Canning Mills, Carmel, Darlington, Glen Forrest, Gooseberry Hill, Hacketts Gully, Hovea, Kalamunda, Lesmurdie, Mahogany Creek, Maida Vale, Martin, Mundaring, Orange Grove, Parkerville, Paulls Valley, Pickering Brook, Piesse Brook, Stoneville and Walliston.

Enrolment - 29,541 (11 February 2021)

Area - 448 km²

Further Biographical Details for Mr Matthew Hughes